Sunday, March 30, 2008

Lettuce and rocket

Sowed Lettuce (Australian and American leaf lettuce - Horti Tops) and and Rocket (Semillas Batlle) today. A very sunny and rainy day at the same time.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Planting in- and outdoors

Planted out some of the pea seedlings. They grew very quickly as a result of the nice weather.

Sowed Lavender, basil, thyme, strawberries, courgette and cucumber. For now they need a bit of protection and I have sown them in the seed trays I bought last year.

Cleaned up some of the raised beds.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Beetroot and spinach

Sowed a couple of rows of spinach and two rows of beetroot today. First time I try these. Let's see how it goes.

The peas I sowed during the last two weeks are starting to germinate.

Last two weeks we had warm weather for the season.

Update. I took this picture a couple of weeks later. Spinach is coming along fine, no sign of beetroot though. How about those leeks...